The last 30 years Perspectief has been taking care of the art and design in the interiors of all kinds of passenger ships in many countries. To optimize the living comfort of guests and crew we have discovered that windowfilm is a perfect solution.
The windowfilm also helps ship owners to reduce their costs. The relatively small investment pays itself back quickly. Fortunately the windowfilm is also applicable in home and working environment, which our clients make use of more and more the last few years.
We are always at your service with our expertise and advice. We have the best quality of windowfilm, we deliver good service and assembly, for interior and design. We like to help our clients to find the best solution for every individual situation.
Bas Sanders
Jaimy Carpaij
Office Manager
Hamstraat 5
5361HA Grave
The Netherlands
General: +31 24 3 54 19 54
Bas Sanders: + 31 6 13 653 922
KvK 09 125 432